Solar - Residential

Solar - Residential

Are you ready to take control of your energy future and make a lasting impact on your home and the environment? Aotea Solar is excited to introduce you to the limitless possibilities of solar energy.

Your Home, Your Power Plant

Imagine turning your home into a clean, green energy-producing powerhouse. With Aotea Solar’s solar solutions, you can do just that. Harness the sun's abundant energy to:

Slash Your Energy Bills: Say goodbye to high electricity costs. Solar panels allow you to generate your electricity, reducing your dependence on the grid.

Protect the Environment: By choosing solar, you're making a positive contribution to our planet. Solar energy is clean, renewable, and reduces carbon emissions.

Energy Independence: Never worry about power outages again. With solar and battery storage, you can keep the lights on even when the grid goes down.


Why Choose Aotea Solar for your home?

  • Expertise You Can Trust: With years of experience in electrical work, we're your local solar experts. Our licensed technicians and electricians will design and install a solar system tailored to your home.
  • Quality and Reliability: We use top-tier solar panels and equipment to ensure the best performance and durability, backed by warranties you can count on.
  • Financial Benefits: Take advantage of government incentives and rebates that make going solar more affordable than ever. You'll see a return on your investment from day one.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Aotea Solar offers monitoring and maintenance services to ensure your solar system continues to perform optimally, year after year.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Aotea Solar offers monitoring and maintenance services to ensure your solar system continues to perform optimally, year after year.
  • Sustainable, Ethical Solutions: All our products are ethically sourced for our chosen global partners who believe in the need for sustainable practices that put people and OUR PLANET first.


Ready to make the switch to clean, cost-effective solar energy? Aotea Solar is here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and find out how you can enjoy the benefits of solar power. Let's take your energy future into your own hands and make a positive change for your home and our planet. 
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Harness free energy with Aotea Solar.

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